Uncertainty in Business
Usually I travel to the marine storage terminals of our customers worldwide. Before the Corona outbreak I averaged about ten on-location trainings per year. My current travel has been reduced to once or twice a year. As a matter of fact I just returned from Walvis Bay, Namibia where I updated two terminals by implementing the latest ISGOTT (sixth edition, 2020). It was not easy to organise on-site courses because of the unpredictability factor of politicised politicians who perhaps listen to their health advisors, but not to us, business people or entrepreneurs. For example: I was invited to fly to Namibia, so I had to buy a ticket, apply for a visa, book a hotel, make an appointment to be PCR tested within 72 hours of departure. All this without any certainty that this assignment could be executed until the very last minute, only if I tested negative. This means that thousands of euros were spent without knowing that this money could be made back from this deal. This uncert...