
Posts uit januari, 2017 tonen

Continuous Improvement by TTT

Dear all, What we are now offering is a so-called continued learning plan. We combine our courses with consulting services. This means that a mix of relevant courses can be adjusted to precisely fit your needs. This will benefit your people and company tremendously because no time or money will be wasted. It works as follows: a pre-scan on awareness, knowledge and skill will be performed to synthesize the exact need of schooling for each individual. This includes not only operational excellence, but HSE and Risk Management as well. It will touch on Human Factors, individual motivation and commitment by Systems Theory. When people learn how to think in relationships, interdependence and interconnectedness, a better view can be formed to prevent incidents and risks to achieve sustainability for both the company and all stakeholders.

Request: Seeking cooperation with Tank Terminal Operators

Dear All, In this new year 2017 we are looking to establish cooperation with tank terminal operators / companies which allow us to develop training material in house at their location. Our plan is to film and photograph (digitalize) technical details and day to day operations to enhance our training quality and produce digital content on all aspects of tank terminal operations. The idea is to create an on-line learning platform which would be beneficial for everyone working in the Tank Terminal and Tanker Shipping Industry. It would speed up access to information to anyone interested which would certainly enhance the three OCIMF levels of competence: Awareness, Knowledge & Skill. Let us know? You can ask questions or leave remarks below? Thank you, The TTT Team

The added value of Systems Thinking in Terminal Operations and Management

TTT has worked with www.creazene,org to research the value of Systems Science, a.k.a, 'Systems Thinking and applies it to all its courses and workshops. When you see a Tank  StorageTerminal, FPSO or Refinery as a dynamic, living system, you can steer operations and management more easily. Using information feedback you can streamline such a business model to remain within so-called Natural Boundaries of Functionality. This means you can operate your business in such a manner that it does not harm life, the environment nor any stakeholders, The Dirty Diesel report that was published in 2016, showed us that some TankTerminal businesses, Shipping Companies,Trading Houses and others related to this supply chain, tried to operate beyond these Natural Boundaries and therefore damaged the environment and reputation. The reason for this was that information that interfered with pre-set goals was willfully ignored. Systems Science in that case talks about non-linear effects which cannot...

TankTerminalTraining Feedback Blog

Welcome to ourTankTerminalTraining Blog. Here we publish and share our training and educational experience with our clients, students and anyone else who is interested. Our idea that in cooperating with everyone involved, TTT can develop better teaching methods and training programs. You may use the comment box below to send us your view, ideas or any feedback you may want to express. Thank you very much! The TTT Team.