The Cassandra Effect: 'Why visionaries who can accurately predict looming disasters are often ignored’.
I just read an interesting article written by Richard A. Clarke and R.P. Eddy called; 'Why visionaries who can accurately predict looming disasters are often ignored’. I could not help feeling touched by this article as it exactly confirmed what I am experiencing myself. I have been writing this column and my blog for some years now, but despite the truthfulness and predictions based on logic and empirical research, most of what I write seems to be ignored. The column I write for Hazardous Cargo Bulletin and my publications on LinkedIn are well researched. I trained myself as a cybernetician and a systems and information theorist, because by combining these scientifically sound insights, I can predict looming disasters. I developed an early warning system and a mapping tool to do this. It measures the so-called limitations of reality by calculating the quantity of information present in an organisation, government, goal or a product which I coined; Realimiteit....